inHANCE Events

Curious to know what inHANCE events are happening? Looking for ways to make your inHANCE products work better for you? Or do you want to ask other inHANCE software users about their experiences with our products? All you have to do is keep up with the latest inHANCE events here. We’ll share webinars, newsletters, press releases, and inHANCE user group events for Impresa, inHANCE Small Business (ISB), FieldHawk and more! You’ll get such valuable information that you’ll want to bookmark this  page and come back to it often. 

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inHANCE Utilities Solutions Events Calendar

Join Us for our August ISB Webinar

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming inHANCE webinar, “ISB: Setup & Processing of Bank Drafts” on 8/14/24 at 11AM EST. This webinar is designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills on how to process and apply draft payments in your ISB UB software.  Our Subject Matter Expert will guide you through understanding the basics of Bank Drafts, NACHA, and ACH Files with a step-by-step guide on how to process Draft Payments, and provide you with the tools you need to navigate the world of draft payments with confidence. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to increase your knowledge and understanding of these topics.

Join Us for our August Impresa Webinar

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming webinar: “Impresa – Penalties and Locks: How they work, similarities, and differences.”  on 8/14 at 2 PM EST. This session will provide an in-depth understanding of Penalties and Locks, their functionalities, and the similarities and differences between them.  Get a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind Penalties and Locks in the Impresa software. Discover what makes Penalties and Locks similar and what sets them apart.  This webinar is designed to help you maximize the potential of your Impresa software and enhance your understanding of its key features. Whether you’re a new user or an experienced professional looking to deepen your knowledge, this webinar is for you.

Join Us for our August Impresa Webinar

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar where we will be introducing our Customer Portal on 8/12 at 3PM EST. This webinar is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the portal and its benefits. The webinar will be divided into two main phases:  1. Presentation: We will begin with a comprehensive presentation detailing the numerous benefits of the portal. This will give you a clear understanding of how the portal can enhance your experience and provide value to your citizens.  2. Demonstration: The second part of the webinar will include a live demonstration of the portal. You will see firsthand how the portal works and how it can help streamline your business operations, thereby improving workflow and productivity.  Following the demonstration, we will dedicate 10 minutes to a Q&A session. This will be your opportunity to ask any questions you may have and engage in a lively discussion with our team. Our aim with this webinar is to equip our clients with the latest inHANCE development and ensure you are fully versed in the benefits and functionalities of our new Customer Portal. We look forward to your participation in this informative and engaging event.

Join Us for our August PowerManager Webinar

We are excited to invite you to our exclusive webinar on 8/13 at 12 PM EST designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge about our customer deposits features. During this session, we will cover:

Setting up deposit rates – Learn how to effectively set up deposit rates to manage your customer deposits efficiently.

Assigning GL account numbers – We’ll guide you through the process of assigning GL account numbers in the deposit application’s setup section.

Assigning rates – Discover how to assign rates in the deposit application’s setup section.

Assigning deposit amounts – We’ll discuss various methods of assigning deposit amounts through move-ins, customer maintenance, or adjustments.

Review of the deposit application – Get a detailed walkthrough of the deposit application, its processing, and setup features.

Deposit reports – We’ll also cover the available deposit reports to help you keep track of your customer deposits.


This training session is an excellent opportunity to deepen your understanding of our software and optimize your use of its features. We look forward to your participation.

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